This interesting fact was known to the Chinese some 2,000 years ago. So the Chinese emperors used to sing important documents by affixing their thumbprints on them. In 1892, an English scientist named Sir Francis Edward Henry developed a system for identifying criminals on the basis of this discovery. Since then the police, all over the world, has been making its use for tracking down the criminals.
Sir Edward Henry divided all fingerprints into 'types' of patterns: loops, central pocket loops, double loops, arches, whorls and accidentals. by counting the ridges between two print in the pattern, each of the ten fingers could be classified into a certain group. Then you take all the groups together as a unit and you have a complete system of classifying fingerprints. Police departments keep millions of prints in their office files. With their help, criminals can be identified quickly. The chances that two people might have the same ridge pattern on even one finger are one in twenty four million.enty four million.
Finger prints and foot prints provide foolproof identification of new born infants to the hospital and of missing persons amnesia victims and criminals to the police.
The appearance of fingerprints
A record of an individual's fingerprints is made by inking the pads of the fingers and thumb and pressing or rolling them onto paper or some other suitable material. The most distinctive overall fingerprint patterns (arches, loops, and whorls) occur on the pads of the fingers, thumbs, and toes. The one illustrated is a magnified image of a ‘loop’, the commonest such pattern, which almost everyone has at some point on their skin. The sweat pores appear as little white dots at intervals along the ridges. Within such overall patterns are individual features known as ‘ridge characteristics’, ‘ridge detail’, or ‘minutiae’. In places, the parallel ridges split into two (a fork or bifurcation), stop dead (a ridge ending), or divide into two and then join up again (a lake or enclosure). These features were studied and named by the British anthropologist and founder of the science of eugenics, Sir Francis Galton. It is such features (marked in the figure) and their proximity to one another that define the unique individuality of fingerprints. The prints of each finger pad typically contain about 100 such minutiae.

Magnified ink fingerprint from the pad of a left forefinger
In many people, the overall macro-patterns on corresponding fingers of the left and right hands are roughly mirror images of each other. But it is possible to have a different feature pattern on every digit. Although the gross patterns (arches, loops, and whorls) may be passed on through family lineage, the individual ridge details are not. Since these minutiae are presumably not directly genetically determined, they differ between identical twins, and presumably would not be the same even in the clone of an individual.
Minor cuts and abrasions, and some skin diseases (e.g. psoriasis and eczema), may temporarily disturb the ridged skin features, but after healing the structure is exactly the same as before. More serious injuries or burns, involving the deeper layer of the skin (the dermis), can damage the cells that are responsible for regeneration of the skin, and leave a scar within which the ridge pattern is lost or changed. However, identity can still be established from surviving features outside the area of damage. A notorious American criminal, Roscoe Pitts, eliminated the prints of his fingertips by having them sewn into incisions in his chest until new skin grew over the ridge pattern. But he was later identified from prints of his palm, left at the scene of a crime!
Use in crime detection
When a surface is touched by a human hand, oily sweat is deposited from the skin ridges. This ‘latent print’ is often invisible to the naked eye, but can be revealed by a light dusting of powder, using a fine brush. Nowadays, aluminium flake powder is usually applied with a fibreglass brush, but a whole battery of physical and chemical processes is also available to develop prints on almost any surface.
Fingerprints collected at the scene of a crime are then matched against those taken from previously convicted criminals (now held as graphics files on computer databases), or from suspects. Although there have been encouraging developments in automated, ‘expert system’ computerized methods for the matching process, identifications are still made exclusively by experienced Fingerprint Officers.
Fingerprints are not the only means of identifying individuals. Voiceprints, lip prints, ear prints, glove prints, and DNA profiling provide additional or alternative methods for recognition.
Check yours…. It’s interesting
It is already an accepted fact that every single person in the world has a different set of fingerprints. The Chinese have devised a way to read personality & destiny traits by studying the waves and the circles that appear at the tips of everyone’s fingers – indeed so convinced are they that in the old days the fingers of prospective daughters-in- law were carefully scrutinized by prominent families to ensure they did not unwittingly welcome women who had fingers that showed alternate circles and waves on their fingers, as it was commonly believed that such women would bring trouble into the family, being particularly difficult to control and usually very aggressive.
In this issue of FSW we bring you some indications of destiny & personality traits based on the circles and waves on the five fingers of each hand. Guys should examine their left hands while women should look at their right hands.
Here are the two different patterns of circles and waves seen on every finger. To make a reading, look at your thumb print first, then your index finger, your middle finger, your ring finger and then your little finger in that order. This is the sequence that offers clues to your destiny & fortunes of your life.
For ease of reference we shall refer to circles as Os and to waves as Ws.
Fingers: OOOOO (all whorls)
Means: This person is very confident, has a strong character and a hot temper. He/she is an independent person. The luck of this person changes dramatically in life from one period to the next. The undoing of this person will be his/her hot temper so it is vital that this person must learn to be patient and calm.
Shape: WWWWW (all waves)
Means: This person is a straightforward honest person who goes with the flow. The fingers indicate someone very sensitive, who is especially suited to design and creative work. People with these fingerprint patterns tend to be shy and uncomfortable in social situations, so are not suited to work in PR, politics or any kind of work requiring them to meet people.
Shape: OWWWO
Means: If you can choose a prestigious working career, you will be very successful. However, you should avoid the tendency to get big-headed and you must never take your career for granted. You should also watch your back, as you tend to attract jealousy into your life and could get betrayed. Always look for long-term benefits.
Shape: OWWOW
Means: You will need to work harder during the early days of your career. When you reach middle and older age, you will get recognition and wealth luck. So your life gets better the older you get.
Shape: OWOWW
Means: It is vital that you resist the tendency to be narrow-minded in your attitudes and in the way you think and work. Try to be humble and learn as much as possible. This is how you will get influential help that brings you to the peak of your business and career life.
Shape: WOOOO
Means: You are a very clear-minded person. As long as you work hard, you are guaranteed to be
successful. Even though you tend to be in a hurry, there will be those who help you along. You are also a person with a kind heart.
Shape: OOOOW
Means: Because you are kind and have an in-built polite attitude, you will easily get help from older persons and friends. You will enjoy great success in your working life and your only weakness is you don’t trust people too easily. This can make you too conservative.
Shape: OOOWW
Means: You have a tendency to be bad tempered, and rather quick to judge. This is a shallow attitude and could easily get you onto the wrong path. If you can correct this tendency of yours, you will have great success. The potential is in you, so try to be calm in your approach.
Shape: OWWWW
Means: You have good character but can only become really successful in older age. Be prepared to have to work really hard during your younger and middle age periods, but you will become a successful person in older years.
Shape: WOWWW
Means: You are very good in the social skills. No matter what industry you are in, you like to take risk and you will always face uncertainty. Be careful as the later years of your life could bring yet more challenges. Take less risk as you get older.
Shape: WWOWW
Means: You are a person who has high vision and heavy responsibility. Be careful. Your visions could get you into serious difficulty. Better to stay more grounded, then your life will have greater success.
Shape: WWWOW
Means: You are very intelligent and will enjoy a lot of scholastic honors. You will have a smooth life and benefit from wealth luck. If you can work hard, you will become a great and successful person.
Shape: WWWWO
Means: You will inherit a business or property from your parents or from an older person. Even though you are a capable person and can be successful in your own business, your tendency towards impatience could get you into a lot of difficulty.
Shape: OOWWW
Means: You have a tendency to be proud and snobbish, although deep inside you are a kind-hearted person. Your social skills however need improving. Your relatives tend to take advantage of you.
Shape: WOWWO
Means: You are a deep thinking person. At a young age, you are already thinking of your future. You will enjoy a smooth and peaceful life; you will be very happy in your old age.
Shape: WOWOO
Means: You are a very sociable person and you enjoy the carefree kind of life going out, partying and clubbing. When you reach middle and older age, you will rely on people to support you. Be warned, if you do not prepare yourself, you might have a hard time during your older years.
Shape: WOWOW
Means: You are not an easy person to control or to convince, as you are something of a rebel. If you can stay focused on what you want from life, you will be successful. The problem is that you can be fickle and vague in what you really want from life.
Shape: WWOWO
Means: Your whole life is full of ups and downs, successes and failures. However, if you can
move steadily step-by-step, you can enjoy a peaceful life as you grow into maturity.
Shape: WWWOO
Means: You are very kindhearted person and there will be good people in your life, as you will attract these kinds of people towards you. Work hard and you will easily reap your just rewards. You will definitely become successful.
Shape: OWWOO
Means: You will get recognition and become famous. Even though your life appears unstable during your earlier years of working life and you need to work hard in your thirties, when you reach maturity, your life gets better and better.
Shape: WWOOW
Means: You are a very capable person, but you tend to lack good judgment. You also tend to start something and then lose interest. Stay focused if you want to succeed.
Shape: OWOOW
Means: You are a noble person with a good character. You tend to be very helpful towards colleagues and friends so you are a popular person. Because you can think in-depth and have sensitivity towards others, you will enjoy success in the creative fields.
Shape: OWOWO
Means: You are blessed with a fast and formidable intellect. You work very quickly and with great effectiveness. However, your character is very aggressive and people tend to be intimidated by you. If you can correct this trait, you can rise to great heights.
Shape: WWOOO
Means: You are a very straightforward person. But your thinking tends to be rather naïve and shallow. Even though your suggestions are good, if you don’t think through what you say, you should not be surprised if people tend to ignore your views. Your speech tends to lack power.
Shape: OOWOW
Means: You are a high-minded person, able to see and grab opportunities. You are best suited to work in the financial and investment fields. Your luck gets better as you grow older.
Shape: OOWWO
Means: You are a very honest and reputable person. You have little urge to get rich or pursue material wealth. But watch it, if you don’t know how to take care of yourself, you can easily get conned and taken advantage of by people.
Shape: OOOWO
Means: Your social skills are good, so you attract guidance and help from influential people. Many people help you in your rise to prominence, and your luck turns fabulous in later years.
Shape: OOWOO
Means: You are a very brave and hardworking person. A lot of people trust you when you are young. However, unless you work at preserving your reputation, you could make enemies on your rise up and find that life becomes harder as you get older.
Shape: OWOOO
Means: You are a kindhearted character and easily get along with others. You are not good at doing business, but you are good as a teacher or even as a spiritual master. You can enjoy success in the academic world.
Shape: WOOWW
Means: You are reputable and have a peaceful character. So you are definitely someone who can become successful and recognized. However, because of your tendency towards pride, you could end up offending the wrong people.
Shape: WOOWO
Means: You are a simple but logical person. If you can focus on the fundamentals of life and adopt a step-by-step approach in your climb up the success ladder and not be too impatient, you will benefit from wealth luck and be honored by people.
Shape: WOOOW
Means: You are a straight talking person who is forthright in your approach. You are strong in character, playful but you also easily offend people. But you are also lucky because when you reach middle age, you will rise to a prominent position and your luck really changes for the better
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